Snow Library

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Strategic Plan

A planning committee met in 2021 and 2022 to identify goals and strategies for 2023-2027. The committee held public forums to gather input from the community and conducted surveys of library patrons to come up with priorities for library services.

The following goals and strategies were identified:

1.       Advocacy and PR

Snow Library is universally recognized as a vital asset to the Town of Orleans, and key to the well-being of the community.

·         Develop a plan to raise awareness about the library and promote attendance and use of programs and services and to share information about the need for a new facility.


2.       Short-term Facility Enhancements

The existing library facility is optimized to provide maximum value for the community.

·         Consider options to improve use of the existing facility.

·         Consult with experts to evaluate preservation and access options for archival materials.


3.       Comprehensive Long-term Facility Improvements

The Orleans community is fully mobilized to plan and build the next generation of the Snow Library.

·         Include facility needs in advocacy and public relations efforts.

·         Explore options for funding and fundraising for a new or renovated facility.


4.       Programs and Services

The library exceeds expectations with innovative and inclusive programs and services.

·         Explore options to expand attendance and use of library programs and services, e.g., forge partnerships with local organizations/businesses, assist users with technology for virtual programming, build information literacy and diversity, equity, and inclusion training and resources, provide access to remote programs at the library, and expand use of outdoor spaces, Little Free Libraries, and Snowmobile services.

·         Monitor use of current and new programs and services to focus on community needs.


5.       Staffing and Staff Development

Library staffing levels are sufficient and library staff have the skills to realize organizational goals and provide exceptional value for the community.  

·         Monitor staffing level and training needs to meet needs of community.

·         Evaluate staffing needs to implement new programs and services.


6.       Community Collaboration and Partnerships

The library successfully collaborates with the Town of Orleans and other local organizations to provide an integrated approach to meeting community needs.  

·         Explore collaboration opportunities with the town and local organizations/businesses.

·         Take action on most promising opportunities with mutual benefits.

·         Work with the town to review/rewrite library job descriptions.

Read the Strategic Plan in its entirety.

Read the Appendices here.